We give you an uncomplicated Databases Manager, incorporated in the Online Control Panel, from where you could create brand–new MySQL and PgSQL databases immediately. Also, you’re able to oversee their adjustments via the immediate access provided to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software tools.

A Simple to use Interface

Handle your databases with just a mouse click

Taking control of your databases is simpler than in the past, as a result of Online Control Panel user interface for MySQL and PgSQL administration! Assuming you do not have considerable experience of handling databases, you will find it very easy to handle our Databases Manager.

You could make a whole new database just by typing the username and security password or produce a database back–up with a simple mouse click. Furthermore, with the Data Manager you will possess direct access to the administrator area for each database, to help you to quite simply update it.

Hepsia File Manager

Relatively easy Database Back–up

Guard your database content with just a mouse click

Assuming you have worked with databases, you already know that making a manual database backup is not really a simple job. In order to change this, we’ve developed an effortless to use tool that will back up the entire database with just one mouse click. The data backup file will be ready for you in under a minute, depending on the size of the selected database.

There are not any limitations on the number of backup copies you can create for a chosen database.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Databases Support

Simply the most protected open source databases

You are going to find PgSQL support in all our Linux shared hosting offers. PgSQL databases are not as well–known and frequently used as MySQL, but they provide you with the maximum level of protection for your web site content and articles. Due to this, a lot of widely known brands like Skype and Yahoo apply PgSQL databases. Controlling PgSQL databases is as elementary as MySQL, as a result of the user–friendly interface of the Databases Manager.

PgSQL databases are incorporated automatically within the most sophisticated web hosting packages. For the basic packages, they’re offered as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The fresh new face of MySQL

We’ve set up InnoDB – the new standard MySQL database engine on all of our servers. InnoDB is perfect for massive database web sites that require high levels of performance and scalability. Tests show that web sites utilizing InnoDB based tables reach a 3–fold functionality increase for very large joins, in comparison to those using MyISAM tables.

InnoDB employs row–level locking as a way to take away the general performance difficulties witnessed at the top consumption times of the earlier variant of the database engine – MyISAM, which utilizes table–level locking.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Complete statistics for your databases

We offer you a simple way for you to track the database utilization for your dynamic websites. From the in depth database stats user interface, that’s incorporated into the Online Control Panel, you can track the load generated from your busy web sites in real time. The displayed information will let you analyze the database load changes each hour, daily or per month.

You’ll be able to track the database load for all your web sites from the Database Stats part of the Online Control Panel. The table onscreen presents the database lookups generated in the present month. To examine details for an earlier month, just click on the back arrows placed at the top.

Hepsia File Manager