Employing our Marketing Instruments, you’ll be able to focus on your website’s acceptance directly from your Online Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you will get a comprehensive sitemap for your website within a few minutes. You’re able to send the sitemap to search engines so they can crawl your website in the shortest time. Additionally, from the RSS News publishing tool, you could use regularly updated content on your website, which is actually a warranty for greater ranking positions with major search engines. Our GeoIP redirection application will assist you to re–route visitors coming from a particular country towards a specified language version of your site for more precise marketing results.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap tool incorporated right into your Online Control Panel

If you have just launched your site and need it to get indexed faster from the the major search engines, or if you need to give your web visitors an easy way to browse through all your webpages, then you need to use a sitemap. Sitemap is known as a a listing of all the pages on your web site that are linked to. In most cases, you need to depend upon third–party instruments to to get that done, nevertheless with Ten Ten Graphics etc, you have access to a Sitemap Generator incorporated directly into the Online Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator our company offers is certainly easy to navigate and because it is absolutely compatible with our cloud Linux shared hosting platform – your site is going to be crawled really fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Divert visitors in accordance with their location

Through the GeoIP redirection tool that’s included in the Domain Name Manager of the Ten Ten Graphics etc Online Control Panel, it is easy to re–direct your web visitors according to their physical location. For example, if you have multiple language versions of your web site, you’ll be able to generate a certain language variant to immediately come up for visitors from the location where that language is used. This way, in case a person from France loads your site, she’ll be instantly taken to the French variant, without the need to change to French by herself. To use the GeoIP redirection tool , you will not need just about any expertise or technical skills. Just select the geographical area of your respective readers and the address of your site that you want to come up for them by default.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most current headlines within your web site

In the Ten Ten Graphics etc Online Control Panel, we have built in an instrument, which allows you to add information from the most well–known information sites on the planet in your websites, with just a mouse click. Our News Syndication application functions automatically and doesn’t demand any extra configuration work from you,

The RSS News Publication component is easy to customize with regards to HTML and CSS. You can modify the quantity of publication items that are going to be showcased, exactly how they will look like, precisely how they will be arranged, and so forth.

RSS News