PostgreSQL is a feature-rich object-relational database management system, which is famous for being one of the most stable and reliable systems available on the market. It is cross-platform (Linux, UNIX, Windows, FreeBSD) and cross-language (PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl, Python), which makes it universal and numerous organizations and firms are already using it for their products or their own web sites - a few examples are Apple, the US Department of Labor, and Skype. The system is open-source and highly customizable, not mentioning that it is more advanced than other management systems with regards to handling sophisticated operations. Furthermore, the fact that a particular table could be up to 32 Gigabytes in size, while the database size is unlimited, makes PostgreSQL an outstanding choice for scalable applications.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Shared Hosting

Setting up a new PostgreSQL database will take no more than a few mouse clicks in the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with all of our shared hosting accounts. With some of the plans, PostgreSQL is an optional upgrade, which you can add to your account without any difficulty, while with others, the number of databases you can have varies between 5 and unlimited. If you need more than the default number your package provides, you can include more databases from the Add Services link in your Control Panel. We shall also give you the feature-rich phpPgAdmin tool, employed to handle the content of PostgreSQL databases. Each and every application that uses PostgreSQL will perform excellent on our machines since the databases have an entire cluster of machines to handle them as a part of our cloud hosting platform.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All semi-dedicated hosting that we offer support PostgreSQL databases, so if you opt for this sort of Internet hosting, you shall be able to set up and run any script-driven platform which needs this kind of a database. In comparison with other website hosting Control Panels, the Hepsia tool used to handle the semi-dedicated accounts on our end makes it a breeze to create a completely new PostgreSQL database - all it takes is to type in the name along with the password, so you'll not have to go through different menus, add users and so forth. Through the PostgreSQL section of Hepsia you will also be able to access phpPgAdmin - one of the most powerful and most well-known management tools for this kind of databases. It'll enable you to export/import a database, change any content or run SQL statements using a simple web-based interface.