Varnish in Shared Hosting
We offer Varnish as an optional upgrade with each Linux shared hosting and if you want to use it, you can add it to your web hosting account via the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. There are two different features that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the system memory. The first one depends on the number of the Internet sites that you wish to employ Varnish for and the second one, which is available in increments of 32 megabytes, indicates the total amount of data that the platform can store at any particular time. The Hepsia Control Panel’s time and effort saving GUI will enable you to shut down or to restart any instance, to check exhaustive logs or to clear the platform’s cache with just one click. For optimal results, you can use a dedicated IP address for the websites that will use the caching platform. With Varnish, your site will open significantly faster, meaning more happy users and potential customers.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our semi-dedicated hosting include Varnish by default, so you can make full use of the accelerator and optimize the loading speed of any website that you host on our platform. You’ll get 64 megabytes of memory dedicated to the Varnish accelerator at no additional cost and you will be able to activate an instance with no more than a few clicks from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated packages. In case you want more memory, the latter is offered in increments of 32 MB in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel and it will be available to you momentarily. You can also add more instances as a separate upgrade, so you can choose whether lots of data will be cached for one site or if the memory will be utilized by multiple sites. The Hepsia Control Panel will allow you to restart or to terminate any instance, to check the system log file for it or to clear the cached data using single-click buttons. To take full advantage of the Varnish accelerator, you can set a dedicated IP address for the sites which will employ it.
Varnish in VPS
We offer Varnish with all Hepsia-equipped Linux VPS packages, so in case you order a VPS with this web hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to make the most of the content caching platform at no additional cost. Varnish can utilize different amounts of system memory for content caching purposes depending on the very setup that you’ve chosen during the registration process, but at any rate, this amount will not be less than several hundred MB. This is quite enough to optimize the performance of a handful of resource-heavy sites, so the better website loading speeds and the less load on your virtual machine will be perceptible. The effect may not be observable immediately, since Varnish will need a certain amount of time to cache the site content that users open, but shortly after you set it up, you will witness its full potential. This platform will allow you to use a less powerful VPS server and to pay less money to get the exact same performance you’d get with a higher-end virtual machine without Varnish.
Varnish in Dedicated Hosting
In case you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll get Varnish at no additional fee and you will have complete control over it through an extremely user-friendly interface – you will be able to start, to delete or to reboot an instance, to view a comprehensive log, to delete the cache associated with any website and much, much more. The Varnish platform will have several GB of memory at its disposal, so even if you’ve got regularly visited sites with an immense number of visitors, you will notice the substantially better page loading speeds and the decreased load on your dedicated server. This will happen shortly after you begin using the Varnish platform, as it will require a certain amount of time to cache the content that visitors open. You can take full advantage of the platform’s capability if the websites that are using it also use a dedicated IP, but considering the fact that your dedicated server includes a couple of IPs by default, you will not need to pay anything on top of the monthly fee for the machine itself.